Mayor & Council
Truman is a Mayor-Council city. The mayor is elected every two years and members of the council on a four year rotation.
- Jake Ebert, Mayor (Jan 23 - Dec 25)
Assignments: The Mayor shall serve in all the council duties - Ron Kelley, Councilor (Jan 23 - Dec 27)
Assignments: Fire Dept. Supervisor, Utility Supervisor - Chris Mosloski, Councilor (Jan 23 - Dec 27)
Assignments: Police Supervisor - Brian Nickerson, Councilor (Jan 21 - Dec 24)
Assignments: Mayor Pro-Tem, Park & Recreation Supervisor - Patricia 'Patty' Truax, Councilor (Jan 21 - Dec 24)
Assignments: Street Supervisor, Sanitation Supervisor
The city council meets at 5:30 PM on the first and third Monday of the month. When meeting dates fall on federal holidays, the council meets on Tuesday. Meetings are held in the council chambers. Use the west entrance to the Municipal Building, 101 East Ciro Street. To be on the city council agenda, please contact City Hall by noon on the Thursday preceding the meeting.
Click here for minutes of the City Council meetings.
Contact information for the council can be found in the legislative directory.
Other city assignments are as follows:
- Weed control: John Bosshart & Wayne Wiederhoeft
- Dog Control: John Bosshart & Wayne Wiederhoeft
- Park Committee: Ernie Jones, Elliott Belgard, Brian Nickerson
- Health Board: Dr. Chris Olsen
- Official Bank: Profinium Inc.
- Official Newspaper: Truman Tribune
- Emergency Management: Fire Chief Dave Bentz
- City Attorney: Derrick Greiner
- City Engineer: Bolton & Menk, Inc.
- Pool Commission: Faith Clow, Kirsten Bressler, Patty Truax
- Cemetery Committee: Faith Clow, Doug & Vickie Schwanz
- Planning Commission Advisory Board: Mayor & City Council Members